Kids Camp

Why should only grown ups have a taste of creativity and arts? PGA holds regular classes for the little ones so they can also be exposed to this exciting world and start nourishing their creativity at an early age.

Kiddo Art

For age:
6 - 10 years

3 hour class | 3 days a week (Materials Provided)

PGA Summer Craft Camp "Kiddo Art" is a journey to make children divergent thinkers and to express themselves freely in the roads of creativity and learning fun art.

  • Drawing & painting
  • Scratch crayon painting
  • Straw painting
  • Pop art
  • Leaf art
  • Puppet making
  • Card making
  • Paper weaving
  • Origami
And many more ...

Little Masters

For age:
10 - 12 years

1.5 hours | 5 days a week | 6 weeks

Introduce the young minds to the world of digital art in order to make them software savvy from an early age.

  • Basic digital drawing
  • Use of colours
  • Illustrations/ Logos
  • Page layouts
  • Composing techniques
  • Cartoons & designs
  • 2D animation
  • Types of graphics
  • Designing product packages